
Hi, I’m Mina 👋

Where am I?

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Computational Social Science group at Microsoft Research (NYC). I am also an incoming assistant professor in Computer Science, Data Science Institute, and Cognitive Science (affiliated) at the University of Chicago starting in the summer of 2024.

Previously, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Percy Liang. Before that, I was an undergraduate at Korea University.

What do I do?

I spend most of the time doing research on AI, especially designing and evaluating language models (LMs) and exploring and understanding human-LM interaction. You can find my latest papers here. 🤖

Besides research, I enjoy writing. Publishing a book had been something on my bucket list for a long time. During a gap year after graduating college, I finally achieved the goal by writing a book on the lessons I learned from applying to graduate schools, which I made publicly available here (it’s in Korean). I intend to continue writing (either through blog posts or books) as I find the process and result to be genuinely rewarding. ✍️

Because I study AI and enjoy writing, I build AI writing tools (such as autocomplete, contextual thesaurus, and creative writing tools), study how people write with AI (check out CoAuthor and how 63 users wrote stories and essays with AI), understand how AI will change the way we write.

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